One of our firm’s strengths is represented in its team of specialists that allows formation of interdisciplinary groups to manage losses.

R&G Espinosa International Adjusters
From the beginning, R&G Espinosa has given attention to training its adjusters in the technical areas of insurance. They receive permanent training and academic currency training that adds to their experience to be able to handle assignments with professionalism. In this regard our firm is certain that specialization makes the difference.
For this it is divided into branches comprised of expert leaders in the specific subject. This has as its objective the specialized fulfillment in the handling of each loss and, with it, through each report submitted, to provide its clients the added value in loss management.
On the other hand, knowing the market’s needs, R&G Espinosa, through its Financial Lines and Casualty Division, has proposed specialized attention for the Hotel Industry Risks by means of a specialized and independent unit for the risks consequent to hotel activities, including risk administration and control services with adjustment services for each case. This unit is strategically located in the City of Cancun and reports to Mexico and Miami with regard to the technical aspects of General and Professional Liability.

Our specialized areas
Property and
Financial Lines and
A division is comprised of an interdisciplinary team of professionals with experience in these claims.
Energy and Government Accounts
Specialized technical support in loss adjustment based on our Adjusters’ experience and impartiality.